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开yun官方登录入口|三星方面证实不会因Note7停售而提前发布Galaxy S8

发布时间:2024-10-10 00:23:01 点击量:897
本文摘要:Amid its ongoing Galaxy Note 7 smartphone safety crisis, mobile industry giant Samsung said it will release its next flagship Galaxy S8 on schedule in late February.尽管Galaxy Note 7智能手机仍正处于持续大大的安全性危机中,不过手机行业巨头三星电子仍然回应,将于2月底公布其下一代旗舰Galaxy S8。

Amid its ongoing Galaxy Note 7 smartphone safety crisis, mobile industry giant Samsung said it will release its next flagship Galaxy S8 on schedule in late February.尽管Galaxy Note 7智能手机仍正处于持续大大的安全性危机中,不过手机行业巨头三星电子仍然回应,将于2月底公布其下一代旗舰Galaxy S8。Currently we do not have any plans to release Galaxy S8 early, reported South Korean media ETNews last Tuesday quoting an unnamed high-ranking official of Samsung.韩媒ETNews上周二援引电子邮件的三星高层官员的消息称之为:“目前,我们没任何提早公布Galaxy S8的计划”。The official described a widely speculated early release of its next generation smartphone Galaxy S8 realistically impossible even the company stopped selling its current flagship Galaxy Note 7 out of safety concerns.人们广泛猜测下一代智能手机Galaxy S8将不会提早公布,不过该官员则评论这一猜测“实质上是不有可能的”,即使该公司出于安全性考虑到暂停销售目前的旗舰Galaxy Note 7。

Galaxy S8 is expected to be launched on Feb. 26, 2017, one day ahead of the opening of the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain.Galaxy S8预计将于2017年2月26日在西班牙巴塞罗那举办的世界移动通信大会揭幕的前一天月发售。But market began to cast doubt on Galaxy S8s release date as the company has been dealing with an unprecedented consumer safety crisis caused by the Galaxy Note 7, its most advanced phone ever.但手机市场早已开始批评Galaxy S8的公布日期,因为该公司仍然在处置由其最先进设备的手机Galaxy Note 7导致的前所未有的消费者安全性危机。After multiple cases of phones overheating or catching fire, Samsung recalled around 2.5 million Note 7 smartphones in September.经过多次手机短路或发生爆炸的案例之后,三星在9月份解任了大约250万台Note 7智能手机。Samsung later announced its decision to scrap the whole model less than two months after the flagship smartphones debut.随后旋即,三星在其该款旗舰智能手机首次亮相将近两个月的时间后,宣告要求投产整个机型。

While an early release of Galaxy S8 has been ruled out, talk of a possible delayed launch remains.虽然Galaxy S8提早公布的消息已被回避,但有可能延后公布的话题仍在之后。The development of the new smartphone has been delayed by two weeks as engineers are working to dig out the cause of Note 7s overheating problem.由于工程师们正在希望挖出Note 7的短路问题,新款智能手机的研发早已因此延期了两个星期。

